Friday, 9 November 2012

The Days They Are A'Shortening

This time of year my working day gets shorter and shorter. I am back working on a wall I have been restoring intermittently since 2006. It snakes for 940m across some of the highest ground in the Cotswolds, so is always windy, but remote enough that I can safely keep working until it is too dark to do so. Sunsets like the one above can extend the day by 20 minutes or so. And apart from picking my way through the odd sheep - is there any other type? - I can usually drive secretly back across the fields without having to use headlamps.

There is something very special knowing that I will avoid the endless strings of car lights I see streaming along the A40 across the far side of the valley as I ghost my own way home.

Luckily, I am not halfway along this wall as yet, so I am hopeful of many more of these journeys home, after days spent working with only the company of sheep, horses,occasional walker and, apparently, spotted this week - an otter.

Thursday, 1 November 2012

Summer of 2012 (Part Two)

Sorry - my plan didn't work. Olympics were great though !